all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 5SL 3 0 52.655683 1.697355
NR30 5SN 3 0 52.651205 1.702227
NR30 5SP 6 0 52.640268 1.697591
NR30 5SQ 10 0 52.65806 1.719403
NR30 5SR 2 0 52.64285 1.698747
NR30 5SS 5 0 52.64346 1.694164
NR30 5ST 8 0 52.64328 1.692167
NR30 5SU 3 0 52.642569 1.692477
NR30 5PT 1 0 52.642085 1.692421
NR30 5SW 7 0 52.641984 1.703414
NR30 5SX 6 1 52.641483 1.692666
NR30 5SY 13 0 52.645187 1.705681
NR30 5SZ 7 0 52.644766 1.713084
NR30 5TA 5 1 52.645035 1.713979
NR30 5TB 14 1 52.646662 1.717148
NR30 5TD 3 1 52.631298 1.724662
NR30 5TE 6 4 52.637214 1.72787
NR30 5TG 9 0 52.647713 1.715212
NR30 5TH 12 0 52.659721 1.718923
NR30 5TJ 1 0 52.625813 1.69847