all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 5EY 2 0 52.646953 1.73111
NR30 5EZ 6 0 52.64687 1.731407
NR30 5HA 41 1 52.64662 1.731933
NR30 5HB 37 0 52.646594 1.732759
NR30 5HD 59 2 52.647419 1.733968
NR30 5HE 14 0 52.647766 1.734367
NR30 5HF 10 0 52.64829 1.734013
NR30 5HG 28 2 52.648268 1.733301
NR30 5HH 1 1 52.648707 1.733338
NR30 5HL 26 0 52.648574 1.731582
NR30 5HN 11 0 52.648088 1.732443
NR30 5HP 9 0 52.649426 1.732512
NR30 5HR 4 0 52.649389 1.730823
NR30 5HS 26 0 52.648614 1.730595
NR30 5HT 9 0 52.650064 1.731117
NR30 5HU 16 0 52.650807 1.731225
NR30 5HW 7 0 52.648755 1.732677
NR30 5HX 45 0 52.650532 1.732222
NR30 5JA 10 0 52.652715 1.731195
NR30 5JL 4 2 52.648612 1.724945