all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

find any address or company within the NR30 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 1LD 20 0 52.609379 1.72232
NR30 1LE 29 0 52.609102 1.723685
NR30 1LF 19 0 52.6091 1.722873
NR30 1LH 19 0 52.607374 1.724558
NR30 1LJ 33 0 52.608403 1.72302
NR30 1LL 1 1 52.606755 1.725673
NR30 1LN 5 4 52.607106 1.725059
NR30 1LS 8 6 52.607305 1.726768
NR30 1LU 1 1 52.607676 1.726106
NR30 1LW 2 1 52.607513 1.724709
NR30 1LX 6 6 52.608058 1.726529
NR30 1LY 18 10 52.608785 1.72631
NR30 1NA 7 3 52.609752 1.72589
NR30 1NB 9 4 52.609807 1.726154
NR30 1ND 10 0 52.610066 1.727328
NR30 1NE 9 4 52.610955 1.726517
NR30 1NF 1 1 52.61105 1.726082
NR30 1NG 21 0 52.610448 1.727774
NR30 1NH 17 0 52.610621 1.728292
NR30 1NJ 1 0 52.610624 1.727346