all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 1NL 15 4 52.609852 1.727857
NR30 1NN 10 7 52.609591 1.730146
NR30 1NP 23 3 52.60969 1.730997
NR30 1NQ 8 0 52.610058 1.7276
NR30 1NR 15 2 52.610118 1.732829
NR30 1NS 12 0 52.61056 1.727081
NR30 1NT 16 0 52.609243 1.729209
NR30 1NU 12 8 52.60873 1.7272
NR30 1NW 1 1 52.61095 1.727847
NR30 1NY 9 1 52.608238 1.725134
NR30 1PB 49 18 52.608092 1.725476
NR30 1PD 2 1 52.608266 1.724493
NR30 1PE 7 0 52.608589 1.723967
NR30 1PF 39 2 52.609272 1.724557
NR30 1PG 7 0 52.608944 1.723835
NR30 1PH 1 1 52.60929 1.725149
NR30 1PJ 11 2 52.609681 1.724421
NR30 1PL 3 2 52.610049 1.725613
NR30 1PQ 21 0 52.609249 1.724156
NR30 1PR 4 2 52.611272 1.725333