all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

find any address or company within the NR32 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 3EG 44 0 52.483213 1.723906
NR32 3EH 12 0 52.486253 1.725327
NR32 3EJ 12 0 52.485573 1.72493
NR32 3EL 34 0 52.485409 1.725845
NR32 3EN 4 0 52.484181 1.707692
NR32 3EP 43 0 52.484823 1.70617
NR32 3EQ 2 0 52.483165 1.725693
NR32 3ER 30 0 52.483664 1.714691
NR32 3ES 7 0 52.483457 1.709547
NR32 3ET 6 0 52.483678 1.707665
NR32 3EU 3 0 52.484535 1.717903
NR32 3EW 15 0 52.484508 1.708751
NR32 3EX 6 0 52.484276 1.716113
NR32 3EY 4 0 52.484074 1.714829
NR32 3EZ 1 0 52.483649 1.712318
NR32 3HA 10 0 52.483161 1.702376
NR32 3HB 6 0 52.483493 1.705822
NR32 3HD 9 0 52.484605 1.716539
NR32 3HE 6 0 52.484861 1.717253
NR32 3HF 30 0 52.485652 1.71729