all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

find any address or company within the NR32 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 3LJ 3 2 52.478072 1.715177
NR32 3LL 9 1 52.477132 1.714199
NR32 3LN 39 6 52.476165 1.712609
NR32 3LP 16 1 52.477258 1.71505
NR32 3LQ 12 9 52.475623 1.714691
NR32 3LR 31 11 52.476457 1.713915
NR32 3LS 4 0 52.475761 1.71345
NR32 3LU 5 4 52.47605 1.713711
NR32 3LW 3 0 52.475925 1.711682
NR32 3LX 5 1 52.47651 1.717647
NR32 3LY 6 4 52.476262 1.718103
NR32 3LZ 26 16 52.476432 1.715843
NR32 3NB 21 0 52.477036 1.717234
NR32 3ND 12 0 52.47702 1.713454
NR32 3NE 7 1 52.476335 1.710936
NR32 3NF 59 0 52.476918 1.712119
NR32 3NG 11 0 52.49132 1.712361
NR32 3NH 23 0 52.478196 1.714672
NR32 3NJ 10 0 52.478612 1.714604
NR32 3NL 31 1 52.478681 1.709822