all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

find any address or company within the NR32 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 2EB 11 0 52.476397 1.747164
NR32 2ED 23 21 52.477587 1.733132
NR32 2EF 1 1 52.477376 1.738099
NR32 2EG 1 1 52.474393 1.749639
NR32 2EH 41 2 52.475072 1.746094
NR32 2EL 39 1 52.475176 1.743931
NR32 2EN 44 1 52.475435 1.740601
NR32 2EP 4 2 52.4794 1.734691
NR32 2EQ 59 5 52.474854 1.748433
NR32 2ER 1 1 52.479292 1.733268
NR32 2ES 25 0 52.480067 1.738902
NR32 2ET 4 0 52.475436 1.742855
NR32 2EU 5 1 52.476484 1.736427
NR32 2EX 42 9 52.477678 1.737109
NR32 2EY 19 1 52.478766 1.737687
NR32 2EZ 6 3 52.479824 1.737756
NR32 2HA 29 3 52.478888 1.738375
NR32 2HB 18 0 52.480473 1.740307
NR32 2HE 24 0 52.47687 1.7362
NR32 2HF 2 2 52.478261 1.731436