all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 1QF 5 0 52.481116 1.755162
NR32 1PZ 6 0 52.477835 1.75058
NR32 1QG 3 0 52.477835 1.750846
NR32 1JG 1 0 52.481989 1.756878
NR32 1HD 1 52.479292 1.733268
NR32 1AF 0 52.482955 1.754759
NR32 1DL 1 52.475387 1.753745
NR32 2AA 15 13 52.475007 1.74958
NR32 2AB 31 0 52.47587 1.747865
NR32 2AD 17 0 52.475897 1.746474
NR32 2AE 23 1 52.476132 1.746155
NR32 2AF 30 1 52.476024 1.747869
NR32 2AG 7 4 52.475582 1.749319
NR32 2AH 6 0 52.476268 1.747816
NR32 2AJ 1 1 52.475051 1.750173
NR32 2AL 45 3 52.475542 1.748034
NR32 2AN 42 0 52.475673 1.746455
NR32 2AQ 32 8 52.475161 1.750108
NR32 2AR 11 0 52.475358 1.747017
NR32 2AT 35 0 52.475447 1.745625