all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 1TT 34 0 52.485168 1.749384
NR32 1TU 51 0 52.483633 1.747603
NR32 1TW 22 2 52.484289 1.750458
NR32 1TX 26 13 52.482747 1.755094
NR32 1TY 11 10 52.481449 1.757724
NR32 1TZ 1 1 52.483379 1.757585
NR32 1UA 7 1 52.482172 1.750838
NR32 1UB 24 1 52.482516 1.75019
NR32 1UD 23 1 52.482389 1.751092
NR32 1UE 3 2 52.480139 1.757633
NR32 1UF 59 1 52.481584 1.750375
NR32 1UG 3 1 52.483221 1.750367
NR32 1UH 1 1 52.47924 1.756496
NR32 1UJ 1 1 52.479908 1.757555
NR32 1UL 46 13 52.484456 1.757928
NR32 1UQ 3 3 52.480403 1.757517
NR32 1UR 3 3 52.479446 1.758222
NR32 1UU 6 0 52.48708 1.75715
NR32 1UX 1 1 52.487801 1.759377
NR32 1UY 3 0 52.489046 1.755859