all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

find any address or company within the NR32 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 1UZ 1 1 52.479663 1.760141
NR32 1XA 11 10 52.479133 1.758705
NR32 1XB 20 0 52.479868 1.75652
NR32 1XD 4 3 52.479399 1.756827
NR32 1XE 1 1 52.479429 1.756167
NR32 1XF 5 4 52.477328 1.757776
NR32 1XG 6 3 52.48785 1.757569
NR32 1XH 9 8 52.479231 1.760443
NR32 1XJ 3 3 52.477387 1.759608
NR32 1XL 11 0 52.486671 1.757012
NR32 1XN 29 12 52.480924 1.755859
NR32 1XP 3 0 52.486997 1.755817
NR32 1XW 30 10 52.479867 1.755703
NR32 1XT 16 0 52.486608 1.757566
NR32 1BU 1 1 52.474196 1.754165
NR32 1JL 0 52.481792 1.75684
NR32 1HL 0 52.482026 1.755401
NR32 1AB 5 0 52.48001 1.753762
NR32 1AD 11 0 52.482976 1.755533
NR32 1AE 0 52.47535 1.750655