all postcodes in NR34 / BECCLES

find any address or company within the NR34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR34 7LG 40 12 52.415497 1.675149
NR34 7LH 7 0 52.406949 1.680684
NR34 7LJ 14 1 52.395092 1.679348
NR34 7LL 9 0 52.399046 1.693588
NR34 7LN 2 0 52.390629 1.707244
NR34 7LP 1 0 52.388974 1.671899
NR34 7LQ 3 0 52.41786 1.672065
NR34 7LR 22 2 52.388724 1.669511
NR34 7LT 21 2 52.384974 1.668039
NR34 7LU 53 0 52.384618 1.66504
NR34 7LW 3 0 52.392823 1.691832
NR34 7LX 2 0 52.388285 1.657519
NR34 7LY 2 0 52.388828 1.657123
NR34 7LZ 3 0 52.394129 1.655051
NR34 7NA 2 0 52.385911 1.656632
NR34 7NB 4 0 52.387133 1.64771
NR34 7ND 3 0 52.389703 1.644894
NR34 7NE 13 0 52.393461 1.627134
NR34 7PB 1 0 52.395228 1.612899
NR34 7NF 7 0 52.400128 1.629417