all postcodes in NR34 / BECCLES

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR34 7NG 2 0 52.407982 1.639809
NR34 7NH 5 1 52.399324 1.634188
NR34 7NJ 9 0 52.406197 1.631518
NR34 7NL 5 0 52.403875 1.654887
NR34 7NN 21 0 52.384854 1.666985
NR34 7NP 4 0 52.401419 1.65636
NR34 7NQ 11 1 52.407796 1.646784
NR34 7NR 2 0 52.41254 1.633433
NR34 7NX 31 0 52.385823 1.667933
NR34 7NY 1 0 52.405872 1.660714
NR34 7PD 16 1 52.447927 1.613505
NR34 7PE 29 1 52.455463 1.603846
NR34 7PF 7 0 52.459153 1.602881
NR34 7PG 49 0 52.448008 1.630235
NR34 7PH 3 1 52.44758 1.625724
NR34 7PJ 6 1 52.441097 1.626777
NR34 7PL 1 0 52.44029 1.635222
NR34 7PN 31 1 52.446684 1.630891
NR34 7PP 20 0 52.448326 1.628965
NR34 7PQ 41 0 52.449473 1.63115