all postcodes in NR34 / BECCLES

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR34 9SH 26 1 52.454312 1.569477
NR34 9SJ 3 2 52.458649 1.566147
NR34 9SL 14 0 52.455042 1.572981
NR34 9SN 10 0 52.455217 1.572848
NR34 9SS 4 0 52.45392 1.569945
NR34 9TA 11 11 52.456646 1.564262
NR34 9TB 32 13 52.456293 1.564862
NR34 9TE 2 0 52.456218 1.564665
NR34 9TF 19 7 52.455635 1.565873
NR34 9TG 5 0 52.455381 1.56653
NR34 9TH 19 0 52.454664 1.565854
NR34 9TJ 2 0 52.454361 1.566576
NR34 9TL 15 11 52.456565 1.563652
NR34 9TN 21 4 52.456682 1.562454
NR34 9TP 9 0 52.456082 1.56267
NR34 9TQ 24 7 52.454607 1.566836
NR34 9TR 14 2 52.455814 1.564106
NR34 9TS 1 0 52.456281 1.562952
NR34 9TT 24 8 52.456109 1.563585
NR34 9TW 2 0 52.456837 1.562006