all postcodes in NR6 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR6 6JL 0 52.66195 1.291269
NR6 6JN 0 52.661601 1.290223
NR6 6JP 0 52.656239 1.291594
NR6 6JQ 0 52.662945 1.291389
NR6 6JR 0 52.656028 1.292067
NR6 6JT 4 52.671145 1.271988
NR6 6JW 0 52.657242 1.291759
NR6 6LA 0 52.661217 1.272281
NR6 6LB 0 52.66293 1.268238
NR6 6LD 1 52.663488 1.269469
NR6 6LE 0 52.663548 1.271219
NR6 6LF 0 52.66248 1.269808
NR6 6LG 0 52.662812 1.270212
NR6 6LH 0 52.661623 1.270921
NR6 6LJ 0 52.662081 1.272272
NR6 6LL 0 52.664334 1.271124
NR6 6LN 0 52.660702 1.271074
NR6 6LQ 0 52.662212 1.271439
NR6 6LR 0 52.66151 1.273413
NR6 6LS 1 52.660546 1.272793