all postcodes in NR6 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR6 6LT 1 52.660569 1.273934
NR6 6LU 0 52.659613 1.273685
NR6 6LW 0 52.65994 1.27229
NR6 6LX 3 52.660927 1.274301
NR6 6LY 0 52.661335 1.274864
NR6 6LZ 3 52.659299 1.275954
NR6 6NB 3 52.657608 1.276271
NR6 6ND 3 52.657423 1.27713
NR6 6NE 5 52.664676 1.280528
NR6 6NF 5 52.665263 1.279114
NR6 6NG 7 52.664307 1.279568
NR6 6NN 16 52.663321 1.27914
NR6 6NQ 4 52.664154 1.277906
NR6 6PA 0 52.668513 1.262412
NR6 6PB 0 52.669216 1.264669
NR6 6PD 0 52.668074 1.261024
NR6 6PE 0 52.668563 1.25962
NR6 6PF 0 52.669305 1.258438
NR6 6PG 0 52.670244 1.259316
NR6 6PH 0 52.669222 1.26282