all postcodes in NR6 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR6 5NT 0 52.664304 1.267956
NR6 5NU 1 52.663634 1.266486
NR6 5NW 0 52.664753 1.265712
NR6 5NX 2 52.665176 1.263057
NR6 5NY 0 52.664496 1.264287
NR6 5NZ 10 52.663856 1.264275
NR6 5PA 37 52.66265 1.266256
NR6 5PB 1 52.663645 1.265753
NR6 5PD 0 52.662812 1.266943
NR6 5PE 1 52.662941 1.263269
NR6 5PF 0 52.662026 1.261544
NR6 5PG 0 52.660871 1.26202
NR6 5PH 2 52.662523 1.266359
NR6 5PJ 0 52.661998 1.263228
NR6 5PL 0 52.662946 1.261775
NR6 5PN 0 52.664826 1.248987
NR6 5PQ 0 52.661518 1.264967
NR6 5PS 0 52.661757 1.260154
NR6 5QA 1 52.665413 1.261678
NR6 5QB 3 52.665287 1.259391