all postcodes in NR6 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR6 5RP 0 52.664471 1.253034
NR6 5RQ 1 52.667561 1.254205
NR6 5RR 1 52.662369 1.252325
NR6 5RS 0 52.665627 1.249653
NR6 5RT 0 52.664013 1.253379
NR6 5RU 0 52.664935 1.254527
NR6 5RW 0 52.663268 1.253679
NR6 5SA 1 52.660419 1.255242
NR6 5SB 1 52.660433 1.256367
NR6 5SD 0 52.658986 1.254691
NR6 5SE 0 52.660774 1.254425
NR6 5SF 2 52.661075 1.257524
NR6 5SG 2 52.66089 1.259359
NR6 5SH 0 52.66304 1.256709
NR6 5SJ 0 52.662299 1.257171
NR6 5SL 0 52.662037 1.25625
NR6 5SN 1 52.665968 1.261779
NR6 5SP 0 52.669893 1.255429
NR6 5SQ 0 52.662707 1.259361
NR6 5SR 3 52.663651 1.262301