all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 4EJ 12 51.527917 -0.144024
NW1 4EL 1 51.528979 -0.144053
NW1 4EN 0 51.529214 -0.143568
NW1 4EP 0 51.528979 -0.144053
NW1 4GL 0 51.530784 -0.13543
NW1 4HA 0 51.535633 -0.148036
NW1 4HB 0 51.53083 -0.165705
NW1 4HF 0 51.530784 -0.13543
NW1 4HG 0 51.534661 -0.147257
NW1 4HH 2 51.533911 -0.147154
NW1 4HJ 0 51.533037 -0.146469
NW1 4HN 0 51.531382 -0.145354
NW1 4HP 1 51.532204 -0.146128
NW1 4HR 0 51.532279 -0.145793
NW1 4HS 0 51.531279 -0.145675
NW1 4HT 0 51.532961 -0.1461
NW1 4JE 0 51.529753 -0.144714
NW1 4JG 0 51.528148 -0.144966
NW1 4JH 0 51.527541 -0.144703
NW1 4JJ 0 51.527167 -0.144934