all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 4JL 0 51.527228 -0.145252
NW1 4JX 0 51.526504 -0.145105
NW1 4LB 6 51.525183 -0.145116
NW1 4LE 1 51.525747 -0.145006
NW1 4LH 0 51.524799 -0.145319
NW1 4LJ 2 51.524112 -0.148504
NW1 4LL 0 51.52468 -0.148005
NW1 4NA 0 51.530794 -0.145709
NW1 4NB 0 51.530722 -0.145092
NW1 4ND 0 51.529081 -0.145235
NW1 4NG 0 51.528728 -0.145245
NW1 4NL 0 51.527836 -0.145588
NW1 4NR 3 51.528483 -0.151228
NW1 4NS 1 51.525745 -0.15566
NW1 4NT 0 51.527512 -0.15654
NW1 4NU 5 51.528336 -0.154448
NW1 4NX 0 51.529506 -0.152941
NW1 4NY 0 51.528603 -0.152171
NW1 4PA 1 51.528738 -0.15156
NW1 4PJ 1 51.524489 -0.14905