all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 6AA 1 1 51.523017 -0.164087
NW1 6AB 1 1 51.522539 -0.158254
NW1 6AD 1 1 51.523877 -0.159281
NW1 6AE 7 7 51.522539 -0.158254
NW1 6AG 9 7 51.522648 -0.159475
NW1 6AH 31 9 51.522949 -0.159751
NW1 6AL 21 0 51.52317 -0.158906
NW1 6AN 21 0 51.523414 -0.159026
NW1 6AP 21 0 51.523632 -0.159133
NW1 6AR 23 0 51.523877 -0.159281
NW1 6AS 1 1 51.52404 -0.15877
NW1 6AU 10 0 51.524113 -0.159416
NW1 6AX 1 1 51.524348 -0.160055
NW1 6AY 21 0 51.524076 -0.159922
NW1 6BA 21 0 51.523841 -0.159816
NW1 6BH 1 0 51.525343 -0.161586
NW1 6BJ 25 0 51.525149 -0.161825
NW1 6BL 25 0 51.525149 -0.161825
NW1 6BN 25 0 51.525149 -0.161825
NW1 6BP 25 0 51.525149 -0.161825