all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 6BS 25 0 51.525149 -0.161825
NW1 6BT 28 0 51.525149 -0.161825
NW1 6BU 82 3 51.524881 -0.16136
NW1 6BY 11 1 51.524416 -0.161523
NW1 6DA 13 1 51.524207 -0.161416
NW1 6DB 24 0 51.524766 -0.16148
NW1 6DD 6 1 51.523907 -0.161057
NW1 6DE 5 0 51.523454 -0.160985
NW1 6DN 13 0 51.525234 -0.160971
NW1 6DP 37 0 51.525234 -0.160971
NW1 6DR 1 0 51.525234 -0.160971
NW1 6DS 42 1 51.5248 -0.160815
NW1 6DT 105 2 51.523913 -0.160419
NW1 6DX 109 2 51.523984 -0.160906
NW1 6DY 1 0 51.524556 -0.160696
NW1 6EA 13 6 51.524399 -0.160471
NW1 6EB 23 4 51.523655 -0.160025
NW1 6EG 16 0 51.524055 -0.160283
NW1 6EJ 100 0 51.525582 -0.163609
NW1 6EL 64 0 51.525626 -0.162988