all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 8AB 15 7 51.54155 -0.145719
NW1 8AF 40 34 51.54133 -0.146651
NW1 8AE 9 0 51.543343 -0.153939
NW1 8AG 28 13 51.542241 -0.146254
NW1 8AH 68 32 51.542337 -0.147764
NW1 8AJ 26 12 51.542921 -0.148274
NW1 8AL 23 15 51.541498 -0.145866
NW1 8AN 93 21 51.543351 -0.1499
NW1 8AP 21 0 51.543576 -0.151074
NW1 8AR 24 6 51.543779 -0.151931
NW1 8AU 1 1 51.544156 -0.151887
NW1 8AY 24 0 51.545402 -0.152254
NW1 8AQ 14 0 51.543343 -0.153939
NW1 8BB 14 5 51.543685 -0.153265
NW1 8BD 16 6 51.543314 -0.155569
NW1 8BE 2 1 51.543282 -0.155026
NW1 8BG 1 1 51.54296 -0.14846
NW1 8BL 65 0 51.545348 -0.15168
NW1 8BN 45 0 51.545466 -0.150565
NW1 8BP 23 0 51.545111 -0.150896