all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 8BS 41 1 51.545092 -0.150248
NW1 8BW 46 1 51.545466 -0.150565
NW1 8BX 25 0 51.542325 -0.145875
NW1 8BY 20 0 51.542691 -0.146264
NW1 8DA 11 0 51.542849 -0.146589
NW1 8DB 42 1 51.543281 -0.146572
NW1 8DD 7 0 51.543396 -0.145918
NW1 8DE 15 1 51.544545 -0.145222
NW1 8DF 48 0 51.545804 -0.148633
NW1 8DG 21 0 51.54406 -0.146396
NW1 8DJ 11 0 51.543587 -0.14718
NW1 8DN 14 4 51.543203 -0.147916
NW1 8DP 11 1 51.544439 -0.147044
NW1 8DQ 71 3 51.545344 -0.148522
NW1 8DR 16 0 51.544761 -0.14676
NW1 8DS 29 0 51.545505 -0.147347
NW1 8DT 22 0 51.545206 -0.147748
NW1 8DU 30 0 51.543829 -0.148295
NW1 8DW 14 0 51.543818 -0.14756
NW1 8DY 62 0 51.54463 -0.147728