all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 8HJ 27 1 51.544022 -0.151359
NW1 8HL 5 0 51.544806 -0.150909
NW1 8HN 64 0 51.544429 -0.150938
NW1 8HP 36 1 51.545021 -0.150309
NW1 8HQ 67 0 51.542145 -0.150382
NW1 8HR 5 1 51.543522 -0.145758
NW1 8HX 98 36 51.54179 -0.154117
NW1 8JA 45 7 51.542234 -0.154907
NW1 8JB 1 0 51.541606 -0.153259
NW1 8JD 106 6 51.540793 -0.151781
NW1 8JH 1 1 51.540012 -0.150829
NW1 8JJ 44 0 51.538711 -0.152208
NW1 8JL 35 1 51.539173 -0.1518
NW1 8JN 19 1 51.538612 -0.152775
NW1 8JP 13 0 51.538961 -0.154376
NW1 8JR 26 8 51.539032 -0.152444
NW1 8JS 24 0 51.539799 -0.151631
NW1 8JT 10 0 51.53972 -0.150596
NW1 8LA 85 0 51.541562 -0.154472
NW1 8LB 63 1 51.540722 -0.152545