all postcodes in NW11 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW11 6TH 12 0 51.571204 -0.175801
NW11 6TL 17 0 51.573297 -0.177532
NW11 6TP 8 0 51.573911 -0.18175
NW11 6TR 3 0 51.574498 -0.181958
NW11 6TU 13 0 51.578723 -0.186509
NW11 6TX 9 0 51.578194 -0.18601
NW11 6TY 7 0 51.579178 -0.183951
NW11 6UA 6 0 51.57882 -0.184066
NW11 6UB 4 0 51.579597 -0.183717
NW11 6UD 8 0 51.579851 -0.183274
NW11 6UE 4 0 51.579822 -0.182525
NW11 6UG 8 0 51.579793 -0.181848
NW11 6UH 4 0 51.579357 -0.18211
NW11 6UJ 12 0 51.578766 -0.182322
NW11 6UL 13 0 51.577401 -0.182448
NW11 6UP 10 0 51.577032 -0.181842
NW11 6UX 3 0 51.57571 -0.182963
NW11 6UY 4 0 51.575398 -0.182936
NW11 6XA 2 0 51.57507 -0.182112
NW11 6XB 4 0 51.574526 -0.182563