all postcodes in NW11 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW11 6XD 1 0 51.580016 -0.184018
NW11 6XH 14 0 51.582893 -0.199175
NW11 6XJ 1 1 51.582783 -0.199063
NW11 6XL 6 3 51.583014 -0.199202
NW11 6XP 3 3 51.583725 -0.199503
NW11 6XS 32 0 51.584039 -0.199418
NW11 6XU 11 2 51.585518 -0.198522
NW11 6XX 41 0 51.5858 -0.199348
NW11 6XY 20 0 51.585951 -0.198029
NW11 6YA 7 2 51.586567 -0.198943
NW11 6YD 28 1 51.585762 -0.196838
NW11 6YE 6 0 51.584703 -0.196404
NW11 6YG 18 0 51.584319 -0.194846
NW11 6YH 15 0 51.584018 -0.195132
NW11 6YJ 14 0 51.583331 -0.193773
NW11 6YL 15 0 51.583175 -0.194126
NW11 6YN 62 1 51.583414 -0.195646
NW11 6ZS 1 0 51.580366 -0.199145
NW11 6YB 0 51.585851 -0.198931
NW11 7AA 8 0 51.581353 -0.19199