all postcodes in NW11 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW11 8LH 2 2 51.572071 -0.195966
NW11 8LJ 1 1 51.572091 -0.196138
NW11 8LL 18 16 51.572415 -0.197294
NW11 8LN 21 21 51.572924 -0.198833
NW11 8LX 43 1 51.570421 -0.195699
NW11 8NA 23 6 51.569124 -0.195336
NW11 8ND 22 1 51.569654 -0.19647
NW11 8NE 21 0 51.569157 -0.196908
NW11 8NG 12 0 51.569811 -0.198148
NW11 8NH 34 1 51.569038 -0.199318
NW11 8NJ 12 0 51.569027 -0.198583
NW11 8NL 102 0 51.566226 -0.197741
NW11 8NN 13 0 51.567945 -0.198423
NW11 8NP 26 1 51.566437 -0.197217
NW11 8NR 1 1 51.569114 -0.197223
NW11 8NX 17 0 51.571404 -0.204116
NW11 8PA 17 0 51.570333 -0.206197
NW11 8PB 16 0 51.571623 -0.204902
NW11 8PD 15 0 51.570469 -0.20701
NW11 8PE 1 0 51.570897 -0.206243