all postcodes in NW11 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW11 8PG 8 0 51.57232 -0.203994
NW11 8PH 7 0 51.572776 -0.20386
NW11 8PJ 2 0 51.572783 -0.204643
NW11 8PL 2 0 51.572794 -0.204831
NW11 8PN 9 0 51.57202 -0.205579
NW11 8PP 1 0 51.571774 -0.205963
NW11 8PR 37 0 51.571095 -0.207433
NW11 8PS 30 0 51.571476 -0.207635
NW11 8PT 26 26 51.572297 -0.204875
NW11 8QB 1 1 51.572817 -0.200049
NW11 8QD 13 0 51.5727 -0.201251
NW11 8QE 16 0 51.572885 -0.200758
NW11 8QG 22 0 51.573255 -0.201042
NW11 8QH 5 0 51.572764 -0.202249
NW11 8QJ 6 0 51.572986 -0.202885
NW11 8QL 10 1 51.572337 -0.201991
NW11 8QN 10 0 51.572112 -0.202549
NW11 8QP 12 1 51.571685 -0.2007
NW11 8QS 16 0 51.571425 -0.201374
NW11 8QT 31 0 51.570253 -0.20409