all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 4AA 0 51.55371 -0.217825
NW2 4AB 1 51.553909 -0.220298
NW2 4AD 0 51.553518 -0.221222
NW2 4AE 0 51.554016 -0.221404
NW2 4AG 0 51.553636 -0.222443
NW2 4AH 0 51.554153 -0.222755
NW2 4AJ 0 51.553639 -0.223265
NW2 4AL 0 51.554271 -0.223976
NW2 4AN 0 51.553626 -0.22478
NW2 4AP 0 51.554388 -0.225212
NW2 4AR 0 51.554 -0.226309
NW2 4AS 0 51.554517 -0.226394
NW2 4AT 0 51.553942 -0.227249
NW2 4AU 0 51.554672 -0.227942
NW2 4BG 0 51.547032 -0.211538
NW2 4BH 1 51.547427 -0.213887
NW2 4BJ 0 51.546459 -0.207046
NW2 4BL 2 51.546665 -0.208754
NW2 4BN 1 51.546156 -0.207793
NW2 4BP 0 51.546289 -0.208841