all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 5JB 0 51.546448 -0.221079
NW2 5JD 0 51.546745 -0.224053
NW2 5JE 1 51.546475 -0.224035
NW2 5JG 4 51.546873 -0.222995
NW2 5JJ 0 51.546359 -0.221563
NW2 5JL 1 51.545986 -0.22502
NW2 5JN 0 51.546515 -0.227686
NW2 5JP 0 51.546228 -0.227938
NW2 5JQ 1 51.545965 -0.223622
NW2 5JR 0 51.545676 -0.225898
NW2 5JS 0 51.544815 -0.224258
NW2 5JT 0 51.544795 -0.223509
NW2 5JU 1 51.545543 -0.223047
NW2 5JX 1 51.54458 -0.222392
NW2 5JY 0 51.543815 -0.22235
NW2 5LA 0 51.547073 -0.221978
NW2 5LG 0 51.549751 -0.22959
NW2 5LH 0 51.550199 -0.230078
NW2 5LJ 0 51.550526 -0.232084
NW2 5LL 0 51.549988 -0.230374