all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 5EG 0 51.54918 -0.232872
NW2 5EH 0 51.550005 -0.233302
NW2 5EJ 0 51.549713 -0.233616
NW2 5EL 0 51.549321 -0.233833
NW2 5EN 0 51.5501 -0.234221
NW2 5EP 0 51.548227 -0.23288
NW2 5ER 0 51.548233 -0.233269
NW2 5EY 0 51.545358 -0.226891
NW2 5HA 1 51.544182 -0.22584
NW2 5HB 0 51.543136 -0.22503
NW2 5HD 0 51.542746 -0.226026
NW2 5HG 4 51.542767 -0.225044
NW2 5HH 0 51.543171 -0.223803
NW2 5HJ 0 51.543675 -0.223812
NW2 5HL 0 51.544562 -0.225393
NW2 5HS 1 51.547411 -0.222917
NW2 5HT 1 51.547719 -0.223655
NW2 5BZ 0 51.547502 -0.223562
NW2 5HY 1 51.547312 -0.224482
NW2 5JA 3 51.547063 -0.223695