all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 5RZ 0 51.546534 -0.220182
NW2 5SA 0 51.547598 -0.219823
NW2 5SB 0 51.549067 -0.217645
NW2 5SH 8 51.54836 -0.222606
NW2 5SJ 11 51.547965 -0.223818
NW2 5SN 1 51.547724 -0.224592
NW2 5SR 0 51.548892 -0.222123
NW2 5SS 0 51.549075 -0.223487
NW2 5SU 0 51.548652 -0.222743
NW2 5SX 0 51.548962 -0.224962
NW2 5SY 0 51.549376 -0.225609
NW2 5TA 0 51.548741 -0.225793
NW2 5TB 0 51.548706 -0.225246
NW2 5TD 0 51.549164 -0.226397
NW2 5TE 0 51.549233 -0.226827
NW2 5TG 0 51.549547 -0.226757
NW2 5TH 0 51.549806 -0.228477
NW2 5TJ 0 51.549806 -0.228477
NW2 5TL 0 51.549806 -0.228477
NW2 5TN 0 51.549806 -0.228477