all postcodes in NW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW2 5TP 0 51.549806 -0.228477
NW2 5TR 0 51.549806 -0.228477
NW2 5TS 0 51.549806 -0.228477
NW2 5TT 0 51.549806 -0.228477
NW2 5TU 0 51.549806 -0.228477
NW2 5TX 0 51.549806 -0.228477
NW2 5TY 0 51.549806 -0.228477
NW2 5UA 0 51.549806 -0.228477
NW2 5UB 0 51.549821 -0.228866
NW2 5UD 0 51.549505 -0.228734
NW2 5UE 0 51.549337 -0.22838
NW2 5UG 0 51.549351 -0.227922
NW2 5YF 1 51.562151 -0.213498
NW2 5AG 0 51.551822 -0.239909
NW2 5AZ 0 51.551661 -0.240002
NW2 5BF 0 51.547942 -0.234867
NW2 5BR 12 0 51.551761 -0.23945
NW2 5BW 0 51.548102 -0.236365
NW2 5DG 38 0 51.546649 -0.221879