all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 4LX 46 0 51.547805 -0.166119
NW3 4LY 19 0 51.54751 -0.166203
NW3 4NA 1 1 51.547681 -0.166773
NW3 4NB 20 0 51.547423 -0.165802
NW3 4ND 27 0 51.546983 -0.164176
NW3 4NE 29 0 51.546524 -0.16356
NW3 4NG 49 0 51.546038 -0.162959
NW3 4NJ 13 0 51.546273 -0.16419
NW3 4NL 1 0 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 4NS 76 0 51.545959 -0.171673
NW3 4NT 59 0 51.545508 -0.171042
NW3 4NU 1 1 51.545425 -0.170901
NW3 4NX 48 0 51.546155 -0.171031
NW3 4NY 43 1 51.545511 -0.170047
NW3 4PA 42 0 51.545454 -0.169299
NW3 4PB 13 1 51.545637 -0.167778
NW3 4PD 26 2 51.545864 -0.165649
NW3 4PE 31 4 51.545715 -0.16528
NW3 4PG 15 4 51.546283 -0.164824
NW3 4PH 5 0 51.546335 -0.164494