all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 4PR 5 0 51.552194 -0.167846
NW3 4PS 1 0 51.55239 -0.16813
NW3 4PT 61 0 51.551909 -0.167482
NW3 4PU 11 0 51.55176 -0.167748
NW3 4PX 18 0 51.551533 -0.168132
NW3 4PY 16 0 51.55175 -0.168845
NW3 4QB 10 0 51.550918 -0.169109
NW3 4QD 15 0 51.550838 -0.168564
NW3 4QE 1 1 51.551604 -0.166961
NW3 4QG 25 12 51.550642 -0.165788
NW3 4QH 1 1 51.550382 -0.165308
NW3 4QL 1 1 51.550529 -0.165475
NW3 4QP 9 9 51.551005 -0.166596
NW3 4QR 20 0 51.550908 -0.165954
NW3 4QS 35 7 51.550125 -0.164943
NW3 4QT 22 9 51.549839 -0.164479
NW3 4QX 24 0 51.54969 -0.164153
NW3 4QY 1 1 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 4RB 1 1 51.551536 -0.167209
NW3 4RE 35 0 51.54615 -0.15919