all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 4SP 2 0 51.545885 -0.157575
NW3 4SQ 1 0 51.545003 -0.157722
NW3 4SR 26 0 51.545188 -0.158652
NW3 4SS 39 0 51.544678 -0.159336
NW3 4ST 22 0 51.544557 -0.157224
NW3 4SU 2 2 51.545005 -0.157697
NW3 4SW 45 0 51.54417 -0.158535
NW3 4SX 8 0 51.545069 -0.156782
NW3 4SY 20 0 51.545475 -0.157415
NW3 4TG 62 13 51.546513 -0.161515
NW3 4TH 5 0 51.546759 -0.161315
NW3 4TJ 6 0 51.546265 -0.161955
NW3 4TL 28 0 51.546531 -0.161728
NW3 4TN 65 0 51.546948 -0.16249
NW3 4TP 49 0 51.547673 -0.163427
NW3 4TR 30 0 51.548668 -0.163805
NW3 4TT 50 0 51.54928 -0.164386
NW3 4TU 54 0 51.54928 -0.164386
NW3 4TX 2 1 51.54949 -0.164031
NW3 4TY 1 0 51.554293 -0.173863