all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 4RG 11 1 51.545543 -0.160066
NW3 4RJ 7 0 51.546566 -0.158741
NW3 4RL 42 4 51.546711 -0.158652
NW3 4RN 5 0 51.546592 -0.159273
NW3 4RP 30 0 51.547131 -0.159828
NW3 4RR 32 0 51.547131 -0.159828
NW3 4RS 52 0 51.548018 -0.161322
NW3 4RT 20 0 51.548349 -0.161799
NW3 4RU 29 0 51.548813 -0.162689
NW3 4RX 43 0 51.549035 -0.163127
NW3 4RY 14 0 51.54775 -0.160871
NW3 4SA 9 0 51.545175 -0.160643
NW3 4SB 16 0 51.54506 -0.160763
NW3 4SD 21 0 51.547595 -0.160762
NW3 4SE 41 0 51.545257 -0.159616
NW3 4SG 12 1 51.545694 -0.158199
NW3 4SH 34 0 51.546032 -0.158575
NW3 4SJ 10 0 51.546199 -0.15828
NW3 4SL 42 4 51.546318 -0.157672
NW3 4SN 6 0 51.546082 -0.157145