all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 6JJ 1 1 51.543971 -0.17569
NW3 6JL 1 1 51.543971 -0.17569
NW3 6JP 17 15 51.544722 -0.176583
NW3 6JR 1 1 51.544546 -0.176244
NW3 6JS 2 2 51.544789 -0.176656
NW3 6JX 50 0 51.544722 -0.176583
NW3 6JY 56 0 51.545408 -0.178333
NW3 6LB 54 11 51.545868 -0.178993
NW3 6LE 48 0 51.546191 -0.179654
NW3 6LG 29 0 51.545612 -0.178855
NW3 6LL 45 0 51.546191 -0.179654
NW3 6LN 7 0 51.546891 -0.18016
NW3 6LP 43 8 51.547096 -0.180051
NW3 6LS 37 3 51.547363 -0.180317
NW3 6LT 13 5 51.548938 -0.181722
NW3 6LU 17 17 51.547945 -0.18143
NW3 6ND 73 1 51.549238 -0.181912
NW3 6NE 54 6 51.548982 -0.183365
NW3 6NG 34 7 51.549326 -0.182918
NW3 6NN 1 1 51.546563 -0.179884