all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 6NP 27 2 51.553397 -0.175861
NW3 6NR 27 0 51.554196 -0.176882
NW3 6NS 47 1 51.554196 -0.176882
NW3 6NT 41 0 51.554728 -0.177553
NW3 6NU 32 0 51.555186 -0.177535
NW3 6NX 23 0 51.554912 -0.178397
NW3 6NY 47 0 51.554042 -0.177393
NW3 6PD 20 1 51.553409 -0.176625
NW3 6PE 24 0 51.552388 -0.176262
NW3 6PG 2 2 51.550538 -0.176296
NW3 6PH 49 0 51.55123 -0.176254
NW3 6PP 6 0 51.554079 -0.183108
NW3 6PR 27 0 51.553904 -0.184178
NW3 6PS 10 0 51.55323 -0.184036
NW3 6PT 5 0 51.553117 -0.183849
NW3 6PU 46 0 51.552575 -0.183135
NW3 6PX 85 0 51.552313 -0.183636
NW3 6PY 12 0 51.552277 -0.184806
NW3 6PZ 64 0 51.55803 -0.180566
NW3 6QB 14 0 51.552395 -0.18545