all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 1WA 1 0 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 1WD 1 1 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 1WE 1 1 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 1WU 1 0 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 1XD 1 1 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 1YZ 1 0 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 1ZH 1 0 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 1ZU 1 1 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 1WT 1 51.554293 -0.173863
NW3 2AA 1 1 51.552875 -0.16828
NW3 2AB 40 0 51.551793 -0.165223
NW3 2AE 71 6 51.551617 -0.166081
NW3 2AF 42 0 51.55145 -0.164573
NW3 2AG 8 5 51.550899 -0.165013
NW3 2AH 24 0 51.550817 -0.164901
NW3 2AJ 3 1 51.550642 -0.164634
NW3 2AL 51 2 51.550193 -0.163949
NW3 2AN 73 0 51.550937 -0.162848
NW3 2AP 41 0 51.550333 -0.162757
NW3 2AR 1 0 51.550804 -0.162363