all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 1PY 1 1 51.555657 -0.175439
NW3 1PZ 15 1 51.555863 -0.174839
NW3 1QA 25 4 51.555934 -0.17651
NW3 1QB 1 1 51.556019 -0.176737
NW3 1QD 7 4 51.556159 -0.177078
NW3 1QE 18 7 51.556303 -0.177649
NW3 1QF 2 1 51.55616 -0.176966
NW3 1QG 15 5 51.556542 -0.178015
NW3 1QH 25 6 51.55624 -0.178229
NW3 1QJ 1 1 51.555923 -0.176366
NW3 1QL 1 1 51.555519 -0.176411
NW3 1QN 23 0 51.555873 -0.17816
NW3 1QP 15 7 51.555899 -0.177723
NW3 1QS 17 5 51.555678 -0.177779
NW3 1QU 18 1 51.555547 -0.178199
NW3 1QW 4 2 51.555867 -0.175661
NW3 1QX 7 2 51.555732 -0.177369
NW3 1QY 26 0 51.555392 -0.177512
NW3 1QZ 35 0 51.55661 -0.176613
NW3 1RD 14 0 51.555254 -0.177273