all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 2HS 25 0 51.555532 -0.138313
NW5 2HT 32 0 51.5554 -0.137929
NW5 2HU 38 0 51.554826 -0.137462
NW5 2HX 24 0 51.554699 -0.137943
NW5 2HY 3 1 51.55459 -0.138409
NW5 2JA 16 1 51.554367 -0.139096
NW5 2JB 28 0 51.553833 -0.138353
NW5 2JD 68 0 51.553695 -0.136227
NW5 2JE 49 0 51.554011 -0.135923
NW5 2JP 10 0 51.553105 -0.140633
NW5 2JR 5 0 51.548447 -0.141746
NW5 2JS 21 4 51.548803 -0.14136
NW5 2JT 38 12 51.548284 -0.141511
NW5 2JU 34 13 51.546992 -0.141878
NW5 2JW 9 0 51.548833 -0.141687
NW5 2JX 46 0 51.547351 -0.13957
NW5 2LE 38 0 51.54713 -0.13694
NW5 2JY 26 0 51.547008 -0.138921
NW5 2LA 7 0 51.546864 -0.138306
NW5 2LB 17 1 51.547151 -0.140923