all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 2NU 22 0 51.553155 -0.139232
NW5 2NX 40 1 51.553483 -0.139522
NW5 2NY 13 0 51.553784 -0.139022
NW5 2PA 15 0 51.553516 -0.13991
NW5 2PB 20 0 51.552948 -0.138649
NW5 2PD 12 0 51.552724 -0.138702
NW5 2PE 25 0 51.55257 -0.13979
NW5 2PG 27 1 51.552617 -0.139355
NW5 2PH 15 0 51.551477 -0.140022
NW5 2PJ 16 0 51.551454 -0.139691
NW5 2PL 4 0 51.551312 -0.140389
NW5 2PN 6 0 51.551779 -0.140327
NW5 2PP 5 0 51.552261 -0.140697
NW5 2PS 11 0 51.552225 -0.140121
NW5 2PT 10 1 51.552002 -0.14026
NW5 2PU 35 0 51.552171 -0.138998
NW5 2PW 1 1 51.552478 -0.13851
NW5 2PX 23 0 51.551866 -0.139011
NW5 2QA 6 0 51.553366 -0.137219
NW5 2QD 14 0 51.551023 -0.139781