all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 3HY 3 2 51.546681 -0.151756
NW5 3HZ 31 0 51.547007 -0.151944
NW5 3JA 78 6 51.546983 -0.152666
NW5 3JB 20 0 51.546747 -0.153094
NW5 3LA 62 0 51.546713 -0.143014
NW5 3LD 1 1 51.546471 -0.143587
NW5 3LG 24 2 51.54679 -0.145045
NW5 3LH 28 3 51.546468 -0.144539
NW5 3LJ 24 0 51.546353 -0.145784
NW5 3LL 2 1 51.546303 -0.146438
NW5 3LN 76 2 51.546913 -0.147117
NW5 3LQ 1 1 51.546799 -0.14216
NW5 3LR 1 1 51.547324 -0.146927
NW5 3LT 24 2 51.54607 -0.147223
NW5 3LW 59 0 51.546342 -0.142827
NW5 3LY 12 0 51.545855 -0.149034
NW5 3NA 10 0 51.545811 -0.149642
NW5 3ND 24 0 51.546085 -0.151621
NW5 3NE 62 0 51.546118 -0.14973
NW5 3NL 2 1 51.54817 -0.146795