all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 3NS 3 0 51.547893 -0.148822
NW5 3NT 1 1 51.545823 -0.149281
NW5 3PH 22 1 51.546668 -0.149247
NW5 3PJ 23 0 51.5476 -0.149613
NW5 3PS 10 0 51.546048 -0.152113
NW5 3PT 1 1 51.545995 -0.153327
NW5 3PU 28 0 51.545668 -0.152547
NW5 3PY 20 0 51.545646 -0.153257
NW5 3QB 42 0 51.545607 -0.15441
NW5 3QD 15 0 51.546514 -0.154906
NW5 3QE 23 0 51.546915 -0.155193
NW5 3QG 21 0 51.547034 -0.154799
NW5 3QH 70 0 51.546413 -0.154161
NW5 3QJ 61 0 51.546413 -0.154161
NW5 3QL 27 0 51.54603 -0.152691
NW5 3QN 6 0 51.546275 -0.15281
NW5 3QP 13 0 51.546299 -0.152088
NW5 3QR 1 0 51.546368 -0.153066
NW5 3RR 1 1 51.550837 -0.146726
NW5 3UP 1 1 51.550911 -0.143463