all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 2AT 50 2 51.547788 -0.134259
NW5 2AU 57 0 51.547566 -0.133835
NW5 2AX 8 0 51.548307 -0.13294
NW5 2AY 6 0 51.548481 -0.133134
NW5 2BA 48 0 51.548725 -0.133211
NW5 2BB 71 0 51.549589 -0.133825
NW5 2BD 9 0 51.549354 -0.134325
NW5 2BE 65 0 51.548937 -0.134097
NW5 2BJ 69 19 51.550123 -0.134611
NW5 2BL 1 0 51.550174 -0.135012
NW5 2BP 10 4 51.550243 -0.135933
NW5 2BU 1 1 51.548963 -0.140831
NW5 2BX 1 1 51.546404 -0.139955
NW5 2BY 1 1 51.548327 -0.140987
NW5 2DB 1 1 51.545988 -0.134693
NW5 2DH 1 1 51.548138 -0.13648
NW5 2DJ 50 2 51.549384 -0.139447
NW5 2DL 63 2 51.549161 -0.136294
NW5 2DN 38 0 51.548575 -0.134544
NW5 2DP 30 0 51.548207 -0.134574