all postcodes in NW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW5 2DR 53 2 51.548379 -0.136932
NW5 2DS 72 1 51.548849 -0.137449
NW5 2DT 56 0 51.548529 -0.13958
NW5 2DU 43 0 51.548908 -0.139607
NW5 2DX 20 4 51.549034 -0.140601
NW5 2DY 8 0 51.548362 -0.140928
NW5 2EA 26 0 51.547654 -0.141072
NW5 2EB 132 0 51.547738 -0.139569
NW5 2ED 57 1 51.548111 -0.139842
NW5 2EE 43 0 51.547607 -0.137584
NW5 2EG 57 0 51.547514 -0.136246
NW5 2EH 90 0 51.547956 -0.13744
NW5 2ES 23 3 51.551931 -0.140898
NW5 2ET 2 0 51.552253 -0.140755
NW5 2EU 9 2 51.552264 -0.140913
NW5 2EX 7 0 51.552668 -0.140824
NW5 2EY 5 0 51.552522 -0.140701
NW5 2HA 4 0 51.552576 -0.140698
NW5 2HB 21 4 51.552811 -0.140804
NW5 2HD 11 0 51.552586 -0.140222