all postcodes in NW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW6 2EP 80 1 51.547779 -0.196743
NW6 2HA 32 0 51.545675 -0.197486
NW6 2HB 17 0 51.545483 -0.196715
NW6 2HE 122 1 51.546019 -0.201164
NW6 2HG 5 5 51.546589 -0.198867
NW6 2HH 126 0 51.547017 -0.196467
NW6 2HJ 40 0 51.547038 -0.194937
NW6 2HL 92 11 51.547769 -0.193365
NW6 2HT 1 1 51.546702 -0.1998
NW6 2JE 16 0 51.543499 -0.195798
NW6 2JG 13 2 51.543989 -0.19663
NW6 2JH 4 4 51.54428 -0.196258
NW6 2JL 8 2 51.544757 -0.198027
NW6 2JR 56 0 51.545353 -0.198826
NW6 2JS 62 0 51.545011 -0.19995
NW6 2JT 78 0 51.54459 -0.199505
NW6 2JU 32 1 51.54548 -0.198258
NW6 2JX 18 14 51.545592 -0.198556
NW6 2LG 44 0 51.545427 -0.1919
NW6 2LH 28 8 51.546318 -0.191418