all postcodes in NW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW6 2LJ 6 6 51.547494 -0.191227
NW6 2LS 19 10 51.546716 -0.190969
NW6 2LU 47 26 51.546077 -0.190951
NW6 2LX 54 2 51.545309 -0.191285
NW6 2NA 35 0 51.544358 -0.191971
NW6 2NB 36 0 51.544358 -0.191971
NW6 2NE 73 0 51.54351 -0.192394
NW6 2NJ 28 0 51.547535 -0.192739
NW6 2NL 42 0 51.543381 -0.193957
NW6 2NN 46 0 51.543445 -0.195166
NW6 2NP 93 1 51.543774 -0.194767
NW6 2NR 96 0 51.543871 -0.194817
NW6 2NS 30 0 51.54415 -0.193696
NW6 2NT 44 0 51.544184 -0.19531
NW6 2PA 30 0 51.543253 -0.193226
NW6 2PB 8 1 51.543441 -0.193161
NW6 2PD 7 0 51.543619 -0.193024
NW6 2PE 7 0 51.543708 -0.193021
NW6 2PG 7 0 51.543807 -0.193003
NW6 2PH 45 0 51.544283 -0.192955