all postcodes in NW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW6 2RE 2 0 51.545724 -0.196464
NW6 2WR 1 1 51.535964 -0.194669
NW6 2BT 23 0 51.543047 -0.198542
NW6 2EL 12 0 51.546941 -0.195662
NW6 2AH 5 0 51.544981 -0.19685
NW6 2HX 1 1 51.547844 -0.191775
NW6 2AQ 0 51.546933 -0.192637
NW6 2AZ 0 51.547042 -0.192254
NW6 2BF 0 51.546862 -0.193231
NW6 2BR 4 51.547074 -0.191867
NW6 2BZ 0 51.546648 -0.195115
NW6 2DA 0 51.548198 -0.199593
NW6 2DF 4 0 51.548447 -0.198058
NW6 2LY 1 51.546274 -0.191419
NW6 2DJ 0 51.546329 -0.202469
NW6 2AF 0 51.546816 -0.193767